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File talk:The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied.pdf

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Dear Readers! You all must at first realize the simple basic fact that Poland was without any warning attacked by Germany at dusk on Sept 1st 1939 and was defeated after a month of heroic defense, during which over 140 000 Polish soldiers were killed! To make things worse yet - on Sept. 17th 1939 Poland was also attacked unexpectedly from the East by Russians (Red Army) and after lost campaign Poland was divided (on the base of previous Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty). On Polish territory German administration was established and there were no Polish authorities allowed by Germans to stay on their before-the-war posts! Instead they were often killed! Polish government authorities were active only in London for international relations and to secretly oversee the Underground Polish State!!! Therefore it was the entirely different situation than for instance in France, where French officials were allowed to rule great part of France territory (Vichy State under Petain!)! Polish elite was subsequently exterminated, Polish language schools were allowed only on rudimentary level (classes 1-4) as well as some vocational schools - and on the whole Polish territory there was established rule of terror and fear! All radio receivers were confiscated - not to mention the guns and ammo - and listening to radio was punished with death sentence! Also death sentence was "applied" for helping the Jews in any way (shelter, false documents, food and clothes)! - (end of part one) - Part two: - Jews were subsequently forced to live in separate and surrounded by tall brick walls quarters of towns and were not allowed to leave them for any reason! Despite that Poles were helping them by smuggling Jews through meticulously built and complicated secret basement systems to Polish quarters and finding them Polish families to live with! However - besides the risk of such procedures themselves - there was another problem - 85% of "Polish" Jews DID NOT SPEAK Polish language - especially in the small towns and villages - and they were easily recognised and captured by German police or military patrols - even if Poles provided them with perfectly made false Polish documents on stolen original German forms. These documents were issued on Polish names, what also led very often to deconspiration of Polish homes, where they found a shelter and support! Despite all of that - millions of Polish Jews were taken out of ghettos, hidden, supported and fed often for years and survived the war! Without understanding those simple facts described above - no serious discussion on that topic could be possible!