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Scene Feast? St Marks Giotto Bk of Hrs Ghirla. Israhel Dürer
Expulsion of Joachim Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meeting at the Golden Gate Yes Yes
Nativity of Mary Yes Yes Yes Yes
Presentation of Mary Yes Yes Yes
Marriage of the Virgin Yes Yes Yes Yes
Annunciation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visitation Yes Yes Yes
Nativity Yes Yes Combined
Announcement to the Shepherds Yes Combined
Adoration of the Magi Yes Yes Yes Yes
Circumcision of Christ Yes
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Flight into Egypt Yes Yes, and/or Yes, plus Rest
Massacre of the Innocents Yes alternative Yes Yes
Finding in the Temple Yes Yes Yes
Christ takes leave of his Mother Yes
Crucifixion Yes
Ascension Yes
Pentecost Yes
Death of the Virgin Combined Yes
Assumption Combined
Coronation of the Virgin Yes Yes Yes
Other One
Total 8 9 12 16
Scene Feast? St Marks Giotto Bk of Hrs Ghirla. Israhel Dürer